Status update

So I went to the gym today…

And I did a full 30 minutes on the treadmill and on the elliptical machine.

But seriously,
➡ plugging my ears with my own #music 🎧,
➡ looking out the window 😶, and
➡  avoiding looking at the machine’s display 🙈
… really helps. 👍

Because that way, I’m…
🙈 not looking so much at the time,
💃 distracted/occupied by music I like,
😨 not feeling like I’ve been on the machine too long already,
😱 and not going, “What?! I’ve been at it for only 5 minutes?? But I’m already tired! … I don’t wanna do this anymore!”


A part of the display on a treadmill
A part of the display on an elliptical machine
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