Status update

Last night I finally got to watch #Marvel #Avengers #EndGame on the big screen.


I ain’t telling you nothing about it. 😋

Somebody came and gave away some gummy candies at the theater. Don’t know if I want to eat these though. I am* trying to be good with my food choices. 😶

Ah yes. Iron Man, Captain America and Captain Marvel showed up at the theater for photo opps. But I didn’t take any photos with them. It’s just not my thing. 😋

Now if Robert Downey Jr. shows up, I may reconsider…

#marvel #avengers #endgame #movies

Avengers Endgame movie poster
Movie poster of Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame
Marvel Avengers candy
Marvel Avengers branded gummy candy
Marvel Avengers candy
Marvel Avengers branded gummy candy
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