This YouTuber Dan Mace, who’s a friend of Casey Neistat (which was how I stumbled upon his story), tested positive for COVID-19 in South Africa — after being previously denied tests for coronavirus by two doctors in the USA.
To summarize his COVID-19 experience… He was extremely ill for a few days. He recovered. He asked to be tested for the coronavirus while he was still in the US. He was denied the test. Why? Because the doctors decided that since he hadn’t been to China, then he could not have gotten the coronavirus.
Weeks later, he traveled by plane from America, with a stopover in another country, then on to South Africa.
Of course, they checked his temperature upon arrival in South Africa, but by then he already felt fine and didn’t have a fever — save for the loss of his sense of smell and sense of taste.
Still, he decided to have a COVID-19 test done. It was simple enough to get in South Africa. 👍
The test result came out positive for coronavirus.
So for those of us who have been told by the authorities and medical experts to Stay Home, to Wash Your Hands often, to Avoid Touching Your Face, to practice Physical Distancing or Social Distancing…
Do it.
Quit being stubborn.
We can’t tell who has it. We can’t even tell if we ourselves have it. And even when we suspect that we have it, sometimes the experts (i.e. doctors) may conclude that we don’t have it and even refuse to do tests.
As of this writing, the Philippines — where I’m at — still does not have any mass testing for COVID-19. The test kits and testing facilities aren’t quite ready yet. ⏳
Doctors don’t know everything.
You and I don’t know everything.
What then is the sensible thing to do in the midst of this pandemic?
Avoid it like the plague.
Stay home. Wash your hands often. Avoid touching your face. Practice physical distancing — at least 6 feet or 2 meters apart.
I know. Many experts and the authorities say to stay 3 feet or 1 meter apart.
Again, they don’t know everything.
Let’s just use common sense here. Do you really think one meter is enough? Better to be extra cautious in this time of pandemic.
Be smart, people. ☝
And stay safe. 🙏
Listen to the very thorough account of what YouTuber Dan Mace went through in the course of almost a month:
Pandemic and quarantine related post: Enhanced Community Quarantine Day 14
Pandemic and quarantine related video: Designated Errand Girl (UNDER QUARANTINE)